Bath Junior Gateway Club was set up in 1992, and became part of Bath Mencap Society in 2019. The club is developing all the time, and we are always expanding our ideas and looking to provide a safe, relaxed and happy environment for our members and, with the help of a dedicated, trained team of volunteers, we support and encourage all our members to take part in community activities, which many of us take for granted.

We are a weekly youth club for disabled, disadvantaged and other children, from 7 to 18 years of age, living in Bath and surrounding areas; including Bristol, Wiltshire and Mendip. We support children who, for various reasons, are unable to access other social and leisure activities within their community. This may be due to their physical and learning needs, social needs or financial needs. For many this is the only opportunity they have for a night out with their friends away from school or family and the only break their parents and carers have.

As part of a registered charity, with no funds from the local authority, we are reliant on our own fundraising, donations and gifts in kind to continue providing this vital service. Our Club Leader and Deputy are responsible for the day to day running of the club and the dedicated team of trained and reliable volunteers. During the holidays we arrange day trips and an annual holiday.

We run an active program of activities including: sports, arts, crafts, bowling, cinema, quizzes, music, dance and much more The programme is aimed at meeting all the needs of our members, and includes their suggestions and ideas as much as possible. Our volunteers support the member's individual needs, enabling everyone to be fully involved in all activities.  


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